Thursday, August 2, 2007


Firstly, Jim rang me on Monday, and he is safe. He said he will try and email me later this week to let me know how and where he got his bike, since telling me over the phone would have been very expensive.

On my last night in Sweden I met up with Wuge, and met his wife and son. The most important piece of news for those of you who know Wuge is that his hair is now normal - no long curly bits - just a normal mans haircut. We didn't chat for long since we were meeting up in the train station at Stockholm before he got his train home - but he is well and his wife is very lovely. Arvid is a very cute little boy who would get along well with Max (a little boy of one our work collegues) because thez both adore trains.

I am now in Germany at the Marktoberdorf Summer School. As promised by Brendan, there is indeed a lot of German beer, and I have tasted several kinds already. I have also had five hours of lectures today which were all quite interesting. Ironically, the girl I am sharing a room with is from Romania, so we have been chatting about what I should see when we get there. We are staying in a high school boarding house which is a little odd - the beds are in small shelves - I think some of the taller men here are not very comfortable since even I can reach both ends of my shelf at the same time.

Stay in touch!